Проектирование зданий, расчет конструкций, авторский надзор


We provide engineering drawings of the stage of «Project» (W),  

«Working Draft» (RP), «Working documentation» (RD).

We expect construction of reinforced concrete, metal, wood, stone and

armokamennye. Calculations are made on the licensed programs

«Lyra», «Monomakh».

To design buildings and structures from 2 to 29 floors.

We adapted the design section of foreign projects.

We expect the strengthening of structures, foundations, roofs, ceilings,

retaining walls, stairs.

We have experience working on projects of hotels, shopping centers,

warehouses, offices, residential buildings.

We provide services in obtaining the technical conditions

for connection object.
We provide services in obtaining building permits.
Enter building sites in operation.


Composition and the cost of design documentation on the development of

the public and office buildings Of s[obshch] 2000 — 5000[m]2.
Design documentation is developed into three stages (stage) of the design:

Predesign proposal (pp) from 4 [u].[e].
project (P) from 8 [u].[e].
working documentation (rd) from 12 to [u].[e]
Composition of the design of the device of the intra-house utility networks of stage

“P” “[RP]” from 12 to [u].[e]

1[U].[E]. =8 of [grn].

The I. the composition of the documentation of stage “pp” predesign proposal.
Cost 4 [u].[e]./[m]2[Dokumentatsiya] of stage pp are developed in the composition of the complete set of the drawings of the architectural solutions:
1. general brief explanatory note with the initial permissive documentation.
2. situation plan, M 1:10000, 1: 500.
3. general plan of section on the topographic plan with the underground communications.
4 basic drawings (according to the versions):
— the story-by-story plans of the intermittent floors (into [t].[ch]. of technical floor, garret, roofing);
M 1:100 (M 1:50, M 1:200)
6. the facades
7.[Razvertka] of facades with the adjacent building
8 prospect, photomontage, axonometry (at the discretion of customer and designer)

initial data, allowed by the customer (they are transferred to executor in the unsealed view of paper carriers and in the electronic form):
Technical task for the design in accordance with the requirements of the initial- permissive of [dokumentatsii].*
Topographic survey with the plan of the laying out of the existing networks M 1: 500.

** (with the period of action not more than 4 years)
Situation plan Of [m]1: 2000.
Permission to the realization of the city-planning activity
Complete set of initial- permissive documentation. ***
Technological task (for the public buildings with the special technology). *
___________________________________________________________________________ of _____
* initial data in the electronic form in the size MS WORD 2000 it is above;
** Initial data in the electronic form in the size Of autoCAD 2004 are above;
*** Initial data can be transferred only on the paper carriers. THE II. Composition of design documentation and necessary initial data.

Design documentation is developed into two stages (stage) of the design:
project (P) 8 to [u].[e]
working documentation (rd) 12 to [u].[e]
Total base cost — 20 to [u].[e]

Initial data, allowed by the customer (they are transferred to executor in the unsealed view of paper carriers and in the electronic form):

Technical task for the design in accordance with the requirements of the initial- permissive of [dokumentatsii].*
Topographic survey with the plan of the laying out of the existing networks M 1: 500. ** (with the period of action not more than 4 years)
Situation plan Of [m]1: 2000.
Permission to the realization of the city-planning activity
Complete set of initial- permissive documentation. ***
Technological task (for the public buildings with the special technology). *

Data about inspection and traveling papers of building.

The department of general design is provide ford with all necessary licenses and specialists, which makes it possible to carry out all divisions of projects.


* initial data in the electronic form in the size MS WORD 2000 it is above;
** Initial data in the electronic form in the size Of autoCAD 2004 are above;
*** Initial data can be transferred only on the paper carriers.


² the general base price of the development of design documentation (project + working documentation) is asserted according to the reference book of base prices of the design works depending on natural indices taking into account correction conversion factors in 2009.

In general base price is included the cost of the 4th copies of the design documentation, issued to customer.
The cost of the copies of the design documentation, issued on the request of customer over the quantity indicated, is determined additionally.

THE III. Composition of the documentation of stage [Proekt].[Stoimost] of division 20 to [u].[e] from the base price of the project

Composition of the planning documentation of stage project (asserted aspect of the project):
1. general explanatory note with the initial- permissive documentation;
2. situation plan (M 1:10 000, 1:5000);
3. supporting plan (M 1:2000, 1:1000);
4. center plan with the plan of red lines (M 1:1000);
5. general plan (M 1:1000);
6. diagram of the organization of motion (M 1:1000);
7. diagram of the organization of relief (M 1:1000);
8. plan of earth masses (M 1:1000);
9. plan and the construction of road surfaces (M 1:1000);
10. diagram of improvement and planting of greenery in the territory (M 1:1000);
11. Consolidated plan of utility networks (diagram) (M 1:1000);
12. Construction general plan (M 1:1000) with the explanatory [zapiskoy].[Iskhodnye] given allowed by the customer:
Renovated topographic survey, with the indication of the actually existing high-altitude marks of the relief of section M 1:500 with the substituted boundaries of section (affirmed in the local architecture) **;
Decision of the administration of municipal formation about the permission of the design of ***;
Materials of the land-management matter of ***;
Architectural-planning task of ***;
City-planning conclusion of ***;
Materials of the previously affirmed city-planning documentation **;
Materials of geological engineering searches, affirmed in the routine.
The technical specifications for connection to the engineering communications, the networks and the construction with the diagram, on which are indicated the points of the attachment of ***.

2. design documentation of the architectural and construction solutions (ACE)
the 1.[Poyasnitelnaya] note
2. general data on the project.
3. plans of floors, in Vol. h. of basement, technical underground, technical floor and garret.
4. sections M 1: 100.
— longitudinal;
— transverse.
5. facades.
the 6.[Koloristicheskie] solutions. (if necessary)
7. photo from the section of the assumed building (not less 2nds)
8.[Razvertki] of facades with the adjacent building
9. plan of roofing (roof).
10. specification to the diagrams of the layout of the elements of the frameworks
11. Diagrams of the layout of the elements of filling of window and other apertures.
the 12.[Kharakternye] units of the constructions
13. List of the finishings [pomeshcheniy].[Iskhodnye] given, allowed by the customer: Topographic survey, with the indication of the actually existing high-altitude marks of the relief of the section Of [m]1: 500 with the substituted boundaries of section (affirmed in the local architecture) “the sketch of №1”;
Materials of geological engineering searches (engineering- hydrological if necessary), affirmed in the routine;
Affirmed documentation of stage preliminary design;
Affirmed solution about the preliminary agreement of the place of the arrangement of object.
Decision of the administration of municipal formation about the permission of design;
Architectural-planning task ([APZ]).
* initial data in the electronic form in the size MS WORD 2000 it is above;
** Initial data in the electronic form in the size Of autoCAD 2004 are above;
*** Initial data can be transferred only on the paper [nositelyakh].3.[Sostav] of the design documentation of the device of the intra-house utility networks of stage project. Cost 3.1-3.6. = 5 to [u].[e] of/[m]23.1. Everyday network of the canalization
1. 1.[Poyasnitelnaya] note;
2. schematic diagram of the system of canalization;
3. tentative materials list and equipment;

3.2. Heating.
1. explanatory note;
2. schematic diagram of heating system;
3. tentative materials list and equipment; 3.3. Ventilation and the conditioning
1. explanatory note;
2. schematic diagram of the ventilation system and conditioning.
3. tentative materials list and equipment;

3.4. Water pipe.
1. explanatory note;
2. schematic diagram of ventilation system
3. tentative materials list and equipment;
3.5 internal power supply (S) of .1. Explanatory note
2. schematic diagram of the networks
3. tentative materials list and [oborudovaniya].3.6 the technology of production.
1. the explanatory note
2. characteristic and the substantiation of technological process.
3. tentative materials lists and [oborudovaniya].[Ne] are included in the total base cost of the basic complete set of drawings the following divisions: 1. protection of environment and health and hygiene of [trebovaniyaRazdel] is developed in accordance with the state standards, the construction standards and the rules, and other normative reports, which regulate nature-conservation [deyatelnost].2. Substantiation of the effectiveness of investments (if necessary)
On the basis of the quantitative and quality indicators, obtained with the development of the corresponding divisions of design, are carried out the calculations of the effectiveness of [investitsiy].3. Project of the organization of building (if necessary)
Present division is developed in accordance with SNIP (Construction norms and regulations) “organization of construction production” and taking into account of conditions and requirements, presented in the agreement on the fulfillment of design works and available data about the market for construction [uslug].5.[Proekt] [OVOS] (if necessary) given divisions rely on the basis the prices of the reference books of established for these forms works, with the conversion factor of base cost during the present year.

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